Friday, December 13, 2013

My take on creative job search tactics

I’ve been hearing a lot of stories lately of people using unique and interesting ways to get recruiters attention.  I figured I’d take a little time to talk about them and give you my take.  I’ll be honest, I’m not really a big fan of this kind of stuff but I’ll try to be impartial.  Anyone who knows me, will tell you I’m more of an old school networker.  I like chatting on the phone or having a beer via G+ Hangout…..get beyond that and honestly I start to twitch.

Anyway, this isn’t about me...this is about you using some off the grid unique ways to get noticed by recruiters or hiring managers.  With we go:

Running ads with your name on them -  This one was pretty popular a few years back and there were a ton of examples.  Apparently this worked and it became pretty popular but I never really understood the appeal.  It’s a little too shotgun approach for me, although optimizing and targeting the ads definitely helps.  The example I posted cost $150 which if you think about it is a great deal.  I don’t hate this approach, but when I see ads like this targeted towards me I always think they are spam and I just ignore them.

Making your resume look like a product or web page - This one has been popular for a while and will probably continue to be popular.  This particular post is a great example if you’re looking for one.  From my perspective, this is a good idea if you’re early in your career or in the market for a creative job.  A few candidates through the years have sent this kind of resume to me and I always enjoy checking the creativity.

Video Resume - I’m a sucker for the video blog, especially this one.  They haven’t really taken off but some places ask for them and there are a lot of good examples out there as well.  Done right, a video resume is a great way to show off your skills and personality for a potential employer.  You want to make sure use good quality video and have a well scripted plan to develop a professional video.

Creating personal action figures - Ok, last one. A coworker sent me this blog last week and I have to admit I love the idea.  I looked into making “Jeff Moore - Recruiter” action figures but kind the cost scared me off….I’ll keep researching.  Anyway, I think this is a cool idea but is potentially pretty expensive.  If you are in the toy industry or another creative role, this could really get you a great job.  For me, I just think having my own action figure would be fun :)

Alright, so there are a few thoughts...obviously, I’m only one data point and every recruiter is different.  Doing something creative can be a great way to get noticed but you’ve got to make sure whatever you do reflects your personality and your voice.

Good luck out there and if you find another other examples please share as I’ve love to see other examples.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have my resume, do u have any place that I can send it?

  3. You could create a Jeff Moore bobblehead with a 3D printer...or a Jeff Moore resume constructed out of Lego pieces...or a "Hire Jeff Moore" subway ad know me JM - I could go on and on. Yet the one thing that nothing here mentioned was...yep - performance...targeted performance to be exact. It's so easy for jobseekers to find out what a company really needs but instead they stop with being creative. Thoughts?
